Holiday Experiences
What does your dream day in the Maldives look like? Relax and unwind, or adventure and explore? Cut loose and play, or drift hand-in-hand through moments of romance?
Kurumba is a slice of heaven – and the beaches and surrounding waters unfold like a tropical playground. For inspiration, family activity ideas or new happenings look no further.
Activities Calendar

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Kurumba is surrounded by an underwater paradise – and we are happy to take you there. Equipment, lessons, tours and more are available for snorkellers and divers of all skill levels.

Paddle across the atoll in a kayak. Ride the waves on a surfboard, or create your own adventures with a jet ski. Sail through the salty breeze on a catamaran. Banana boat rides, parasailing, wakeboarding and more await.

Celebrate your love with champagne to start the day. Sail away together to a remote island on a dhoni boat. Plan a sandbank picnic in the shade for two. Slip into moments of shared bliss at the spa. Embrace starlit dinners and promises of forever.
Kurumba Kids
FUN! Nobody does it better than we do on the coconut island. Kurumba has a newly imagined kids and teens area for arts and crafts, cooking classes, freethinking and quiet time. Programs with beachfront games, snorkelling and swimming lessons, futsal camps and more. Kids and teens are both welcome – and knowing they’re engaged and in good hands is always its own reward.

Feel the beat of the Maldivian Bodu Beru drum. Lose yourself in the music, and dance under the open sky with your toes in the sand. Live bands, in-house DJ sets, nightcaps and new friends. There’s always a reason to celebrate at Kurumba.
On Land Activities for Kids, Teens & Adults
Play tennis like a pro, paint coconuts, enjoy a cultural excursion or dive into something more daring, like snorkelling by torchlight at night. The recreation team – headquartered in the heart of the island – can show you how.